They know signal strength is a huge issue, and do not want you leaving for another provider, when a simple equipment upgrade will make you happy. T-Mobile, for instance, offers customers a Cel-Fi 4G LTE Signal Booster to anyone having trouble getting a good signal, and you are only required to pay for shipping (a measly $6 according to this customer). What you may not know is that many most service providers will let you borrow these devices for a very small deposit or better yet, no deposit at all. And what’s more, it’s infuriating to have to pay for something else because you are not getting the coverage you are paying for. Some can cost over $500, which is a big chunk of change. Now, there are many variations of this kind of device available for sale, and can be picked uip at places as common as Walmart and Best Buy. It’s also known as a repeater, and it improves the reception at your home or office by amplifying and repeating the signal. The first tip really is that simple, and yes, there is actually a device called a signal booster. Ask Your Provider For a Free Signal Booster. But don’t worry, there are ways to boost your signal and keep in contact with the world. But it can be even worse when you live in an area with very weak cell phone reception. However, one doesn’t always “do just fine.” You’ll know this yourself if you have experienced dropped calls, broken voices, no bars, and a frustrating lack of service when you’re out and about. We are permanently switching from landlines to cell phones, with many of us no longer wanting to pay for two phone services when one will do just fine. These days, it’s absolutely essential for almost all of us. Several years ago, a great cell phone signal was a nice thing to have.